Wednesday, July 31, 2013



We met up with the Australian rapper Amethyst Amelia Kelly aka Iggy Azalea, who just two days ago announced that she’s going on Beyoncè’s ”Mrs. Carter World Tour,” for a very relaxed photo shoot and a little heart to heart.
The blonde beauty with the pouty lips and almond eyes has been living in the U.S. for a few years now but her accent is with no doubt still very Aussie. On a personal note, I find this significantly likeable and professionally it connects her with the Australian fans in a remarkable way. “I don’t get a lot of comments on my accent from the people in the U.S. but the Australians love it.”
What we love is that Iggy is amazingly real. Behind her fake nails and perfect makeup she shows herself approachable and open-minded. “Most people just ask me, is that your face?” she says faking a thick American accent, noticeably happy when I identify the tattoo on her lower arm as a simplified cartoon-style head of The Birth of Venus by Botticelli.
While we’re shooting and talking, she tells me that one thing she’d really like to be good at is cooking: “I eat out a lot. I can’t cook, but I’d really love to be a good chef. I would totally do the whole thing, wear an apron (laughs) and have dinner parties. Then everybody would be like: ‘This is delicious!’ (gesticulating) And I’d be: ‘Well thank you, I made this!’”
In terms of music, the artist who Iggy would definitely love to work with is Missy Eliott because she considers her an amazing lyricist. Iggy’s own lyrics are tough, she doesn’t hide emotions behind a clean pop-music language, she is a rapper

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